Partner Information
ReadSquared creates and makes available for free to our subscribers annual
Summer Reading Program themes, in collaboration with its partners.
If you would like to partner with
READsquared in creating the best Summer Reading Program experience,
contact us.
Collaborative Summer Library Program (CSLP)
Collaborative Summer Library Program
(CSLP) is a consortium of states working together to provide high-quality
summer reading program materials for children, teens, and adults at the lowest
cost possible for their public libraries. CSLP produces materials designed for
CSLP members, public libraries in participating states or systems.
The participating systems and states develop a unified and high-quality
promotional and programming product. Participants have access to the same
artwork, incentives and publicity, in addition to an extensive manual of
programming and promotional ideas.
CSLP began in 1987 when ten Minnesota regional library systems developed a
summer library program for children, choosing a theme, creating artwork and
selecting incentives that public libraries in the regions could purchase and
use. State libraries and systems continue to join and CSLP continues to evolve,
but its guiding principle remains the same, librarians sharing ideas, expertise
and costs to produce a high-quality summer reading program for children.
Illinois Reading Enrichment and Development (iREAD)
Illinois Reading Enrichment and
Development (iREAD) program is a coordinated, self-supporting effort to
develop and provide high-quality, low-cost resources and products to enable
local library staff to promote reading. The program’s audience is kindergarten
through grade eight, but may provide supplemental materials for preschoolers,
teens, and adults.