Our librarians have put together several activities, for a variety of challenges and levels. Complete an activity and you might unlock a more advanced one, and bragging rights, cool badges and maybe even a prize!

1000 Books 100 Things To Do Before Kindergarten

List of fun things to do with your child before they enter kindergarten.

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1 Pts
4th of July wand
4th of July wand, assemble to earn a new badge.

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Adult Create Your Own Adventure

Make your own adventures by checking things off your bucket list! Does your bucket list include visiting a museum, restaurant, or park? Or maybe visiting someplace new? Share the top five things on your bucket list that you hope to accomplish this summer below. Go forward and adventure!

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1 Pts
Bird Feeder week 1
Bird Feeder week one challenge to earn a Badge.

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1 Pts
Book Buddies Paper Airplane Week 4
Color the Dragon that were given to you in week 4 assemble him/her.  Show us the end result by bringing it by the library for hanging up on our art wall or tagging us on Facebook. Attend the Saturday 6/20/20 Zoom Meeting at 9am.

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1 Pts
Bubble Painting Week 6
Watch the video below for an idea of how to do your bubble painting and earn a new badge!

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1 Pts
Cloud Dough Week 2
Week 2 Cloud Dough recipe, make this at home to earn a new badge.

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1 Pts
Comic Book Pack
Week 4 Comic Book Challenge for a Badge!

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1 Pts
Dragon Face Week 4
Week 4 Dragon Face Challenge for a new Badge.

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1 Pts
Dragon Marionette Week 5
Create a Dragon Marionette Week 4 challenge for a Badge.

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1 Pts
Dragon puppet Week 5
Dragon Puppet Week 5 challenge for a Badge.  Use your brown paper bag and color and cut out your dragon parts to glue on your bad and tissue paper for flame under the flap.

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1 Pts
Dragon's Eye Week 5

Watch the You Tube video on how to make your "Dragon's Eye"  Use the materials provided of yarn and 2 sticks.  Instruction sheet with step by step pictures as well.  Earn a new badge!

Also you will earn a prize to pick up at the library.

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1 Pts
Father's Day Card
Complete your Father's Day Card and present it to him or mail it to him.

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1 Pts
Fish Disks
Using your supplies from your packet on week three, assemble your fish disk and send us a photo!

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1 Pts
Illuminated Page
Complete the Mission activity below and upload the image to earn a new badge.

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1 Pts
Imagine Your Story Body Collage
Use your take and make items and complete to earn a new badge!

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1 Pts
Imagine Your Story Writing Challenge
Writing Challenge week one Imagine Your Story for a new Badge.

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1 Pts
Jack and the Beanstalk
Jack and the Beanstalk take and make week one activity to earn a Badge.

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Kids Story-time

Read the short story below and answer the questions.

Jack, Betty, and Matt love the fall season. They like jumping into the pile of leaves. Jack likes the pretty colors. Betty likes to make a big pile with the leaves. Matt likes to hide in the leaves.

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1 Pts
Mandala Coloring Contest
Week one coloring contest to earn a new Badge.

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1 Pts
Mythical Creature Challenge Week 2
Week 2 Take and make challenge, using unconventional materials to create a mythological creature.

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Pre-K Share Your Story
Little ones have active imaginations! Have your child tell you a story and fill in the questions below based on the story they told you.

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1 Pts
Robot Blocks Week 4
Color the robot blocks sheets for the heads and bodies, cut them out and fold along the dotted lines and glue where indicated and start having fun mixing and matching heads to bodies. How many different variations can you come up with?? Earn a new Badge.

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1 Pts
SD State Database BookFlix Red Riding Hood
Complete the Activity below through the State database and earn a new badge!

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1 Pts
Storywalk at the library
Come down to the library on July 1st or July 2nd for the Storywalk and earn a new badge.

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1 Pts
Tape Art Painting
Make and Take week 3 Tape art project to earn a badge.

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Teen Writer's Block
Every writer has moments when their mind goes blank. It can be frustrating and annoying when you really want to write something, but just don’t know where to start. Use the following activities to help you turn that blank page into an unforgettable story!

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1 Pts
The Star Spangled Banner
Watch the YouTube video and sing along with the words to The Star Spangled Banner.  Earn a new badge!

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1 Pts
Turtle Plate
Complete your turtle plate activity and earn a new badge

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1 Pts
Underwater Egg Carton
Have fun creating your own aquarium  out of an egg carton and earn a new badge.

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1 Pts
Week 2 Create your own Monster
Week 2 create your own monster to earn a Badge.

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1 Pts
Week 2 Pen Pal Challenge
Write a letter or color a picture and start a game of tic tac toe to earn a Badge!

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1 Pts
Week 4 Mad Libs
Complete the Week 4 Mad Libs sheets, there are 3 of them.  This will be a fun project for the whole family and you will earn a badge.

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1 Pts
Week 5 Acrostic Poem
Write your acrostic poem with the handout given, watch the Youtube video to see how one is done.  Have fun and earn a new badge!

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1 Pts
Week 5 Cryptogram
Complete the handout of the cryptogram, if you get stuck check out the website below in the activity for how to find clues to words.  Earn a new badge!

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1 Pts
Week 6 Pom Pom Hedgehog
Watch the video on the link below and create your very own cute little hedgehog.  Earn a new badge!

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1 Pts
Week 7 Flower Vase
Earn a new badge for completing your flower vase project.

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1 Pts
Week 7 Masquerade Masks
Decorate your Masquerade mask and earn a badge!

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1 Pts
Week 7 pin the Horn on the Unicorn
Earn a new badge playing pin the Horn on the Unicorn.

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1 Pts
Week 8 Don't Eat Pete game
Play a game of Don't Eat Pete with your friends or family and earn a new Badge!

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1 Pts
Week 8 Mermaid popcorn cups
Complete the challenge and earn a new badge plus enjoy a treat in your new cup!

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1 Pts
Week 8 Spot the Difference puzzle
Spot all of the differences on your take and make project and earn a new Badge!

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1 Pts
Week 9 Theseus vs Minotaur video
Watch the YouTube video and earn a new badge!

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1 Pts
You Are My Sunshine
Perform the activity listed below and earn a new badge!

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